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How to Transition From Summer to Fall Without Missing a Beat

The end of summer is here and we’re starting to look forward to cozy sweaters, bonfires, pumpkin spice lattes, and leaves falling from the trees.

As sad as it can be to say goodbye to bikinis and beach vacations, the transition from summer to fall is an exciting one. The air gets crisper and we’re offered a fresh start in focusing on the healthy habits that we neglected in the heat of the summer.

With all the change happening, there are some ways you can ease into the beauty of fall and say a sweet goodbye to the summer months.

Cleanse your body

Summer often brings a big dose of indulgences - drinks, desserts, and delicious summer meals are served up daily. As we head into fall, your body deserves (and needs) a reset. Treat yourself to a cleansing diet of foods that will help flush out any lingering toxins and get your body ready for the hearty foods of fall.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and chicken or fish. Your body takes longer to digest red meat so cutting back during your cleanse can be beneficial. Drinking lots and lots of water will help your body reset, too. Be sure to check with your doctor before doing any kind of cleanse.

Schedule in downtime

Summer and fall are busy times in their own unique ways. June through August are full of barbecues, vacations, and trips to the pool. Fall keeps us busy with back to school, the onset of the holiday season, and a scurry to accomplish all the goals we set back in January.

It’s easy to go from busy to busier, but doing too much can create a feeling of burnout and exhaustion. To keep your body and mind balanced, take time that’s just for you. But don’t let your schedule dictate when you get downtime. Make space in your calendar that is dedicated to doing absolutely nothing. Spend time reading, relaxing, and enjoying simply being.

Enjoy seasonal foods

You’ve been enjoying watermelon, burgers, and grilled corn on the cob, but with fall comes a warmer palette. Soups, carrots, and roasts make their annual debut around this time. Eating seasonally is not only cheaper but it helps your body acclimate to the change in weather.

Hit up your local farmer’s market and you’ll find a bounty of fruits and vegetables chock full of nutrition. Plan your meals around what’s fresh and your body will thank you.

Get organized

Deep cleaning isn’t just for spring. As you’re tucking your sundresses away, take some time to clean out your closet. Donate clothes that you don’t wear, throw away anything with stains or holes, and organize your fall wardrobe so that it’s easy to find outfits quickly.

Don’t stop there, though. Since September is a busy time for school and work, organize your desk, too. Starting the new season with a clean, organized home will make it that much easier to put your focus where it belongs - on living your best life.

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